Well, the Indie Hoopla event is now over. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to support us Indie authors!
So, what else have I been upto? Well, I was on the Indie Author How-To Radio Show as guest to talk about being a "New Kid on the Block." Basically we covered what it is like to be self published and promote yourself. It was a great interview and I had a lot of fun doing it. I was also invited back for the March 3rd show that will be discussing World Building. I hope you guys will tune in and ask any questions you might have via the chat room.
But I am getting ahead of myself. This Sat. I am making an appearance at the Time Lord Fest in Tampa. This is a mini-convention catering to Dr. Who fans. So, if you don't have any plans for this Sat. night (1/28/12), stop by and say 'Hi.'
On the writing front… Destiny is coming along nicely. Currently it is sitting at just over 11k. 8k of that written this week. Seems when the muse gets on a roll she really gets on a roll!
We that is it for now, my twisted and kinky friends!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Indie Hoopla Event! Still going on!
For a full week, Jan 15 - 22, you'll get introduced to authors every single day who are sharing their worlds and stories for only 99 cents! Not only will you get awesome reads, but, for each book you purchase, you will be entered for a chance to win a $25.00 Amazon gift card or $10.00 gift card from the Book Depository (international readers).
All you have to do is forward a copy of the receipt(s) for the books purchased to indiehoopla (at) yahoo (dot) com. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, January 24. A master list of all participating authors can be found HERE.

Get your 0.99 book today and support Indie Authors!!
All you have to do is forward a copy of the receipt(s) for the books purchased to indiehoopla (at) yahoo (dot) com. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, January 24. A master list of all participating authors can be found HERE.

Get your 0.99 book today and support Indie Authors!!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Indie Hoopla Event! All authors, all books 0.99!
Welcome readers to our first Indie Hoopla! event. For a full week, Jan 15 - 22, you'll get introduced to authors every single day who are sharing their worlds and stories for only 99 cents! Not only will you get awesome reads, but, for each book you purchase, you will be entered for a chance to win a $25.00 Amazon gift card or $10.00 gift card from the Book Depository (international readers).
All you have to do is forward a copy of the receipt(s) for the books purchased to indiehoopla (at) yahoo (dot) com. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, January 24. A master list of all participating authors can be found HERE.

All you have to do is forward a copy of the receipt(s) for the books purchased to indiehoopla (at) yahoo (dot) com. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, January 24. A master list of all participating authors can be found HERE.

FEATURED Roni is the head bartender at the Tampa nightclub Shadows. All she wants is to date normal humans as she brings enough baggage to the table as a changer. However, when her past comes calling and she kills her tormentor once and for all, what she thought she knew about her new lovers turns out to be a lie. Surviving the punishment for her crime is the easy part but can she accept what her lovers are? Author Note: Contains adult sexual content, including m/m and BDSM practices. |
FEATURED Switching roles and he pursuit of freedom come together in the hunt to discover who can be trusted and who is really the traitor during the Colonial times. Mercedes Maxwell’s sister’s last wish was for Mercedes to find evidence against Kat’s husband, William Braxton, and have him hung as a traitor to the crown. Mercedes isn’t naïve when it comes to capturing traitors, because her own deceased husband had once been an agent for the King when they lived in England. When she meets William Braxton for the first time, all is not as it seems. Portraying her twin, Mercedes knows this is the only way to get close enough to William to discover his secrets. What she finds along the way are little surprises she hadn’t counted on, especially when she begins to give her heart to a man who may be a spy against the crown. *More Works* Other Buy Locations BN | Smashwords |
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Now for the "in with the new"….
This year is promising to be a very, very busy year for me. I have surpassed my appearance schedule from last year by far and I am extremely excited. As some of you who know me know, I am very much a 'people person.' So, any chance I get to hang out meeting people while selling my books is pure heaven to me!
Where will I be hanging out this year, you ask?
For starters, I will be doing my first blog event, 99 cents Indie Hoopla. This will run from Jan. 15-22. Basically, 35 authors are participating and offering their book(s) for 99 cents and each day five different authors are featured. So, be sure to check out my site for the link so you can tour around and pick up some great books at a great price. I'll also be blogging about this again when it starts up.
Also associated with the Indie Author's, I will be a guest on the Indie Author How-To Show on Jan. 21st. It's internet radio and I will be speaking about becoming self published. All the do's & don'ts that I learned over the last year. So if you are looking to publish, then you might want to tune in!
Toward the end of Jan. I will be at Time Lord Fest 2012 (Jan. 28, Saturday 5-10p) I have never done this mini-con before so come hang out with me at this Dr. Who mini-con. I will be selling & signing books, as always, and I may even end up on the one author panel they are planning to have. I haven't heard back about that but since I am such a people person, I am sure even if I am blind sided by being added to the panel that I'll be okay :o)
I only have one event on my calendar for Feb. and it is not an author appearance. MegaCon 2012 is Feb. 17-19 in Orlando. I will be in the RPG room helping out with the gaming. Even though I am not here as an author, you can still stop by and say 'hi.' I will have books with me, but sales will be by request ONLY since I am officially 'working' the gaming room. I did this last year and had a total blast. Being a big gamer geek, how could I not?
May brings me to Oasis 25 from May 25-27 in Orlando.I did this Sci-Fi con last year by splitting an author table with my friend Bill Hatfield. It was my first con experience as an author and I have to say it was pretty disappointing. I don't know if my disappoint was because I am not a big Sci-Fi person or if it was because I only was able to get on one panel (Sex @ 10!). I am not sure how to gauge my sales (and I did have several sales even though I was not selling Sci-Fi) so I am going to try this con again. I will not be staying at the hotel this time since that put me too far in the red but instead will be staying at Daytona Beach and commuting. So, if you are at either, send me a message and maybe we can grab a drink or three!
June, well the end of June, brings me the appearance I am most excited about! St Pete Pride 2012 Street Festival & Promenade is on June 30, from 9-3 in St. Petersburg, Florida. This year is the 10th Annual Pride parade & festival. it is the largest in the nation & it's FREE! Can't beat free! I'll be in tent 440! So, come say 'hi', buy a book, sign-up for a free T-Shirt or get your face painted by Kara! It is going to be a total blast!
I get a few month break before I do my last convention of the year... at least the last one I have planned this year! Necronomicon is Oct. 19-21 in St. Petersburg. I really had a blast last year at this Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Horror convention. I was on several author panels and sold a ton of book. The best part of the con was meeting a lot of very cool people! I can't wait to do it again this year!
Now that I bombarded you with my appearance schedule, let me tell you my plans for writing...
For the last several months, Fans have been asking for the sequel to Fates. I know I have been slacking and I know I just need to buckle down and get Zarkina's story told. Writing epics (Fates was 130k!) takes time and if Destiny is anything like Fates, it will take several months before it is in print. But... I will get it done this year and hopefully it will be out around July.
I am also planning on finishing up The Sapphire Tower series (books 2 & 3) and I have a few characters from the Shadows series that are starting to make their voices known in my head.
Aside from those books... I never know what other characters might just start talking to me and end up being a book. I might try another publisher call submission but I really haven't made up my mind on that. It was uncomfortable writing by being given a plot topic and word count. Well, uncomfortable for the first few chapters but I might still try another call if something catches my eye. The calls are not good for my impatience since they are submitted by one date and acceptance/decline letters are sent out two months later! We will just have to see.
So, that is it for now... I am doing good on my promise, yes? Two blogs so far this year! Should be many more to come since I have all these great events to tell you about!
Stay twisted & kinky!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
So… it's a new year… out with the old, riiight?
Well, before I can get to the new, I have to recap the old. Last year was a very productive year for me. I attended two conventions as an author and sat on several writing panels. Which I might add, is pretty damned good since I've only been published since March 2011! Of course, I wouldn't have been able to do any of that without the books! I wrote five in total (even though there are six published, I don't count the Shadows Anthology) but have no idea if that is good or bad for an indie author. I like to think it was good :o)
Fates was (and always will be) my baby. Partly because it was the first but mostly because it allowed me to bring to life the D&D character who has been living in my head for the last 20 years! Zarkina will always be what she is in Fates but as the story progressed, she revealed to me how much more she really was. I should also note, that she has been my online alias since 1992…way before all the Russian Zarkina's came onto the scene. Chances are, the google searches you find, are actually me and almost any MMO where her name might pop up (currently she resides in Rift), is me as well. So, if you see her, don't be shy. Just say hello :o)
Soul Stealer was a 'filler' project for me as Fates was being edited. I can't say how Kira came into being but only that one night she was there whispering in my ear as I was trying to go to sleep. She was a persistent bitch and still is according to Alec but at least now that her story has been put to paper, she doesn't haunt me before bed!
When Beasts Bite was born for Soul Stealer. Nick and Jordy were just there and they took Kira's place in keeping my mind awhirl as I tried to call it a night. It was my first attempt at writing male/male romance and I think it may show for those more experienced in reading that genera. However, their story is what it is and I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of them yet… but who knows. I should mention that aside from the sequel to Fates, these guys get the most requests for more stories.
Barely Restrained came about because my fans of Soul Stealer and When Beasts Bite wanted to know more about Roni. Hell, I wanted to know more about Roni too but she doesn't like to share her past. It was actually Zac who came to me first and showed me bits of his relationship with Hunter…the garage scene was the first bit of juiciness I got a peek at and oh what a scene it was! The problem was I did not know how all this tied into Shadows and for weeks I actually thought I had a new fae BDSM series. It wasn't until Zac showed up at Shadows did I realize this was Roni's tale. Weird how it works out sometimes.
Of course, the Shadows Anthology was also born of fan requests. Many wanted all three is one book so I was happy to combine them. A huge Thank You goes to my friend Kevin Morris who not only gave me the cover picture but actually name the picture after the book *hugs*
New Beginnings was my last publication of 2011 and it brought me back to my love of fantasy. I was more daring in this book with the male/male romance but since it is such a new release, I have not really gotten any feedback on it yet. But I digress… The Sapphire Tower came to me before anything else and I knew that mages resided with in. It wasn't until Zek's multicolored eyes stared haunting my dreams as he plowed through the snow to reach the tower that I knew it was a story.
Even though New Beginnings was published in November, my year writing was not finished. I have decided to get ballsy and write a story for a publisher's submission call. I have never attempted to write where I was given a plot and a word count before. Always my characters just showed up in my head and started telling me their story. Writing by being given the topic was (still is!) strange for me. I do not know if the story will get accepted or not but to be honest I am more nervous that they will say yes, instead of no. It is a fantasy and my first attempt at male/trans writing. The worst that can happen is they will say no thank you and I will self publish the story on my own. I won't know until the middle of June and that seems an awful long way away.
Well, this is my recap of 2011. I have a ton of stuff lined up for 2012 but that will have to be in another blog since I have rambled along enough in this one! :o)
I hope you all had a great year in 2011 and I have only the Best Wishes for you to have a wonderful 2012!
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